Monday, 13 September 2010

Hats off to Bob Crow!

Hats off to Bob Crow at least.
There is a Latin phrase that needs no translation. Just as well because old dead languages such as Latin have few speakers apart from say a Boris Johnson.
“Reductio ad adsurdem” means exactly what you might imagine it to mean. You follow a line of argument to its culmination no matter where it might lead-absurd?...maybe,but not necessarily so!
So it is with our Bob. No longer safely frugging at Tolpuddle as he introduces the Alabama 3 to the assembled weekend rebels. Not to be contained in a “cockney whelk” exhibit on Any Questions…certainly no answers!
No ,our cockney sparer merely follows his logic to its ultimate conclusion. Is he not right that the bankers caused all the financial disaster we now live in the face of? Don `t the BBC blame a Bob Diamond or a BP each and every day? Why on earth should the poor pay for the incompetence and greed of bankers, MPs and the BBC to name but a few? They did not cause any of this ,because they were bypassed by Parliament and the EU.
They marched against Iraq but fat good that did them.
No…the BBC show that they want a cosy and a trained rebellion. They want the cameras there and both sides of the limited arguments that they rather hope to keep within their parameters. They want balance as long as they can keep their pensions and salaries with the panstick allowance in perpetuity. If the Beeb choose to release their hounds and they prove to be poodles instead then the BBC will be in trouble…and not before time.
Have they not wanted to chase a uniform or two for ratings…sniff the fear and the adrenaline before filing the story back to W.1 and the cab back to Crouch End? So here we are boys and girls…Crow might be overpaid and a previous glove puppet of NuLabor in his way ,but his rhetoric is right. He is economically illiterate but so were the bankers-and so of course are the government and the HMRC they preside over. In media terms he can be as ignorant as he likes-he is passionate and that is all the media requires.
So to quote Mao…Bob knows it…sing along now
“Change must come from the barrel of a gun”
May you live in interesting times indeed…and we do!

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