Monday 13 September 2010

Tatchell the theologian

Just seen Peter Tatchells hatchet job on Pope Benedict and the Catholic church he was voted in to lead.
Clearly Peter is a theologian as well as an activist so we are all grateful that he was able to put the Pope right on his two thousand odd years of canon law,tradition and scripture. No doubt Benedict was choosing not to pack his cloaks and making notes on how to create the brokeback church that Peter would be happy to grab the pulpit from. In short to make a church so craven and cringing that a gay atheist presumptuous nomark with too many airmiles and a free stopover in Thailand might feel happy to not visit!
Only Channel 4 or the BBC would produce such obscene bilge using licence fee payers money of no few catholics who are expected to take this abuse. Even Turkey and Syria were hospitable and courteous to a visiting head of the Catholic faith...only in Britain would we get this offence being caused with provocative and appalling ignorance. Here`s hoing that they pay Pastor Terry Jones to do an expose on the shallow charlatan that was and is Charles Darwin. Just the balance we need surely!Of course they won`t do this-for that would be the new heresy would it not?
Wonder if a visiting imam would get the same level of abuse from the State run media outlets?...course not...and Tatchell might have better saved his rage for the Iran he would have flew over. Don`t they hang his brothers from cranes there-now THAT would be a confrontation Pete could concoct for a few more airmiles surely.
Picking on the Pope whilst hiding behind the daughter of a dying man is the sickest grooming sight I have seen on telly for quite some while. No doubt we can expect much more of this-but not so much of the Buttiglionis or the EU eh?
The Pope has them rumbled since his sermon to the conclave on 19/4/05...worth a read to see why he is so feared and hated. He takes a scyth to all the left-liberal pretensions and fashions that the BBC and the Guardian so slavishly follow then discard long after the damage has been done and the perpetrators quietly moved on to other jobs at public expence.

Enough already Beeb!

Enough already Beeb!
Just sat through most of the appalling “Any Questions” regurgitated from last night.
It came from a private girls school up in Sheffield…where else would an Ed Balls,a Brendan Barber or a BBC outside broadcast to the the provinces find a sanctuary to begin the fightback against those Thatcherite Tories now in power? Still they all got their two cents worth of bile against Gove and his attempt to get the state off the teachers backs-hell the last thing that the unions and politicians want.
For this is where the last delusions of easy socialism are hardest to uproot. These featherbedded nobodies on fat salaries who preach the revolution but were privately educated themselves. They have their Tuscan retreats and two sets of expenses to claim from we the proles. They can strike a pose of equality and diversity at any workshop you set up for them to patronise…but somehow keep the cream whilst denouncing the schools attempts to provide some real mobility based on talent or merit-much as grammar schools and no tuition fees once did funnily enough!
But hey…we are where we are and it helps no-one to remind them of the past. Particularly the recent past which they actually DID influence! The one where schools turned tricks for dross but loads of targets and qualifications for all who cared to fish them from the bins of history –for it sure as hell is not getting taught anymore.
Witness the howling down in boos and jeers of the Tory on the panel who had the sheer nerve to say that actually the financial mess we have been left with was caused by Balls, Barber and their like. The facts meant nothing-no er “right thinking person” could deny that the Tories very existence and wish to enact policies that were voted through would divide the nation ,take the bread of the poor out of their mouths and even a BBC poll proves this very fact.
As for Islam-religion of peace ,peace be upon it…this pesky pastor has got us all round his finger-people will die if he burns the Koran…Islam is not yet ready to get the nuances of multicultural western thought so we are to get the shin pads on and metal detectors set up or on until they deign to do so.
Polly Toynbee says as much on Dateline London-and she personifies the smug and patronising air of entitlement as well as being taken oh so seriously that the Beeb regards as a healthy incest and a marriage of like minds that doesn`t need arranging or dowries-but the public can stump up for her private educations ,her Philippine maid and Tuscan villa as well as buying her a plot in Richmond Park to plant a poplar to assuage the effects of flying off to Tuscany with her gravy trained quangocrats in the family in order to look at windmill catalogues and solar power plans for Notting Hill. Hypocrisy-aren`t we all doing it dear?
In short-how much bile inducing phoniness and hypocrisy-how many Muslim mice do we say will have no effect on the elephant in the room…because there isn`t one silly…and that tumbleweed means no lack of thought but the effects of global warming if Monbiot doesn`t get your airmiles and you insist on seeing granny in Melbourne.

Hats off to Bob Crow!

Hats off to Bob Crow at least.
There is a Latin phrase that needs no translation. Just as well because old dead languages such as Latin have few speakers apart from say a Boris Johnson.
“Reductio ad adsurdem” means exactly what you might imagine it to mean. You follow a line of argument to its culmination no matter where it might lead-absurd?...maybe,but not necessarily so!
So it is with our Bob. No longer safely frugging at Tolpuddle as he introduces the Alabama 3 to the assembled weekend rebels. Not to be contained in a “cockney whelk” exhibit on Any Questions…certainly no answers!
No ,our cockney sparer merely follows his logic to its ultimate conclusion. Is he not right that the bankers caused all the financial disaster we now live in the face of? Don `t the BBC blame a Bob Diamond or a BP each and every day? Why on earth should the poor pay for the incompetence and greed of bankers, MPs and the BBC to name but a few? They did not cause any of this ,because they were bypassed by Parliament and the EU.
They marched against Iraq but fat good that did them.
No…the BBC show that they want a cosy and a trained rebellion. They want the cameras there and both sides of the limited arguments that they rather hope to keep within their parameters. They want balance as long as they can keep their pensions and salaries with the panstick allowance in perpetuity. If the Beeb choose to release their hounds and they prove to be poodles instead then the BBC will be in trouble…and not before time.
Have they not wanted to chase a uniform or two for ratings…sniff the fear and the adrenaline before filing the story back to W.1 and the cab back to Crouch End? So here we are boys and girls…Crow might be overpaid and a previous glove puppet of NuLabor in his way ,but his rhetoric is right. He is economically illiterate but so were the bankers-and so of course are the government and the HMRC they preside over. In media terms he can be as ignorant as he likes-he is passionate and that is all the media requires.
So to quote Mao…Bob knows it…sing along now
“Change must come from the barrel of a gun”
May you live in interesting times indeed…and we do!

Finishing schools/Sept 10

So all back at school and you can all get back to the rest of your lives eh?
Ever thought what it is exactly that they are going back to? is it anything like the "quality of education" that you might have had...better?...worse?...who cares because they are now the schools to do with as they like until late October?
I can tell you this... teachers were in a few days before your children went back and they KNOW what is coming. Yet more of the same slops from last years pig bin, albeit to be delivered cheaper and with less theoretical hounding from a Balls or whoever is bellowing the bouncy asylum called state education.
Everybody knows that schools are soon to be no more in their current form-the peddlars of curriculum and the sealers of certificates know that it all means nothing. The purpose of State education was distorted by Callaghan; destroyed by Baker and deceived by Blunkett etal. It is not even a shadow of its former self but a parody...indeed a tragedy if truth be told.

Truth however is a long way from any State education system these is all about keeping the scandals and the malice from the Daily Mail. The clones of Blair and Brown run the show(were they not hand picked because they "presented" as such in the Narcissus pools of"talent"?) and defend the charade of state schooling for the lower orders. Such people buy their own way out but exhort the rest of us to become governors of what remains after they have used our kids for grooming and for experimentation. There is absolutely NO scientific or rational basis to the compulsory school system-only habit,economy and a sour view of children despite the "All must have Prizes" culture with "no-blame bullying"-gets them off the hook primarily that last one!"All due to Thatch innit bruv?"-blame no-one else either!

So as you sent your kids off to school this morning- will it be drugs or bullying?...the swot getting cowed into self harm via Facebook? the crime cover ups from the school and its attached Blunkett bobbies?...the utter lack or any academic excuse for the Whithall sanctioned worksheets that the dinner lady(sorry "cover supervisor") doles out to the angry and the feral?...what straw will it be that breaks the camels back? This is and will continue to be the hidden curriculums lesson every day for most of our children sine die until we ourselves feel educated and brave enough to create something a little better...and in truth(that word again!)we cannot do any worse than the schools and the whole hush money toadies who preside over the social catastrpohe that goes by the name of "passionate,caring and quality education for oall our vulnerable and challenging young people". They have now had nearly 150 years to concoct their toxic brews and potions...we cannot do any worse!

Christ on a bike!...we have GOT to finish schools before they turn out to finish us!
Any takers out there?

Whither these Great Gods?

Today we are able to get riled over the slimy bias aof the BBC, yet we still pay our licence fees to be so insulted.
Like the dog licences of old the BBC licence fee is a socialist anachronism that might well have worked without the Brands and Rosses..the Jay Hunts and Caroline Thomsons... and of course their Marcus Brigstockes.
As it is we know where our money is going and we will not be paying for it all much longer! As the dog licence now embarrasses those who paid up,so the BBC licence fee will be going the same way.
So it is with schools...they are about to go too. Paying taxes will be seen as a quisling activity and the real heroes will be all those scroungers,cheats and offshore boys and girls who have led the way in refusing to open a vein for the flaccid and lazy state.
Sport will wither on the vine and go pay perview for the dopes and the addicts...the rest of us might go out and play a bit never know!
The banks will be made to change and the econazis will be confined to the (recycled) dustbins of history. The military have sold their souls to Blair so will have to instigate some carboot sales in order to pay for anything grand as a consequence.
Baiscally the gods of "education" "environmentalism and global warming" "business" "politics"(the Iraq demo showed where democracy gets you-ignored and marginalised), "media" and "sport" are going. The taxes we are bled of to pay for them all are luxuries that only trust backs up...and we do not trust them one bit.
Can`t pay won`t pay-and in truth-shouldn`t pay either if you still want to look your kids in the eye sometime in the not too distant future.

Brendan Barber-remember that name folks!

Well done BBC!
Never seen so many Beeb hacks crawling around Manchesters bars as they seek TUC delegates with provincial accents as prayed for (I jest of course!) by Central casting.
Last time they infested the place so was over Shipman and(who could forget...the cost?) the Commonwealth Games of 2002. Shannon Matthews was the other side of the Pennines so the BBCs northern correspondent cannot claim THAT one. It` all the north on Satnav though mate!

The Beeb are here in the hope that they can get quotes about "spearheading civil disobedience" and "defending the vulnerable"...anyone tell me where the TUC were in regards of the BBCs news stories these last thirteen years then?
For years the unions have been Labours plaything and sugar daddy...indeed theystill are...which is why the labour Party leadership "contest" is so anodyne and stinkingly corrupt...remind me many votes?
So John Humphrys tries to get sweet scousy Barber to parrot the soundbite for the nest news bulletin and fails. Humph just reads that dross out I`m sure and isn`t really thinking about what he is saying...but as the public sector parasite "par excellance" he is hardly the one to tell us about their threats of ...well you can only hope and imagine...for the Beeb certainly do!
Under the last Government they may well have been done for inciting class hatred-now wonder how the Beeb are still allowed to play their games of voguing a good rebellion on our taxes. Let us hope Osborne just leaves us with the World Service and radios2/3 and puts the rest out to tender...aren`t there enough wannabies who could bring in Today FAR cheaper and at less public cost to the taxpayer-how many ulcers and anti-depressants are produced by the slimy,content free bias and insinuations of the Oxbridge mafia in their linen suits who run the ludicrous BBC